The failing illusionist

I saw you watching me.
I saw you mimicking my moves.
But see hey and know that I have eyes on my back too.
I'm not an idiot even I sometimes might seem like that.
But know you foe that not all is as it seems and I won't be backstabbed.

I saw you trying to rip my palaces walls down.
I saw and heard you talking shit like cheap whore of devil's town.
But see hey that the walls you are ripping are illusion you once created.
I am wiser than you know and I have never been anybody's foe or whore.
Know that my soul has never been for sale and in the end you will burn in the flames of your own delusion called hell.

Heaven is, was and ever will be there but you can't see it because you chose to live in own palace named after a cell. Heaven is within but you chose to live without. That's as sad as it sounds but hey you made your own revile. The wall of illusion has gone while your chosen will is being done.

The truth will be revealed and now count to ten and see that you have not chosen your fight very well. You have opened your arms for the seductive betrayal of the fall as you decided to tear down that wall. Now welcome the new old where you still aren't bold but just a piece of shit that sold a beautiful greatness for a seat in a sinking shell that looked like a life rescuing boat.

You once had your wings to fly but now see that all the illusion must die. The truth is here now. Do you hear the sound... listen... open your eyes and see that… the sign of signs that you shall never forget. That is the truth of all that some wisdom created ones and named it love. And foe that's all... ever has been, was, is and ever will be. And so let the true creations will be done as the illusionist is sailing to its own delusion.

With all that there is and will ever be, Maindo

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